SNIGEL - We Stand at the Forefront of Tactical Gear Development

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We Stand at the Forefront of Tactical Gear Development

Dedicated to designing and producing reliable, mission-ready equipment that empowers those who protect our society.

About Us

Our Story

SNIGEL is a leading Swedish company dedicated to improving the quality and functionality of personal equipment for law enforcement and military professionals.


Research & Development

Our product development team includes experienced designers, engineers and active-duty personnel ensuring every product is built with firsthand operational expertise. 

What sets us apart is the ability to rapidly develop customised solutions, enabling us to meet your specific operational requirements.

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Customers & Partners

We believe in partnering with organisations that share our values.
By working together with like-minded customers and partners we create strong, collaborative relationships that drive mutual success.



Over the past 30 years, we’ve had the privilege of working with some of the most respected units and companies in the industry. While many of our projects remain confidential, below are a few examples of our work.


Swedish Armed Forces

Key supplier of personal equipment to the Swedish Armed Forces for over 20 years

  • Combat vests and pouches
  • Various carrying solutions, e.g. 10-120L backpacks and duffel bags
  • Ballistic protection vest system with buoyancy aid and flight crew combat uniform to the Air force


Providing advanced equipment for both weapon systems and rugged IT

  • Weapon slings, ammunition carrying solutions, and accessory bags designed for the Carl-Gustaf system
  • Durable tablet cases developed for Saab Aeronautics, ensuring protection and reliability in demanding environments

German Armed Forces

Over 500 000 backpacks to the German Armed Forces

  • 110L backpacks for extended missions
  • 30L backpacks for short operations

Ukrainian Armed Forces

Providing essential gear since the start of the invasion, committed for as long as needed

  • 5,000+ trauma medic bags for frontline use
  • 10,000+ gear items including vests, pouches, and protective clothing


Bespoke carrying solution for Parrot ANAFI USA drones

  • Carrying solution with reinforced protection and water resistant cover to ensure seamless mobility and versatility, whether attached to personnel, military equipment or other carrying methods.

German regional SWAT team

Full ballistic protection system for regional swat team with over 500 operators

  • Ballistic protection vest system for high-risk operations, including additional panels for groin, throat, sleeves and more

Navy, Army and special forces

Protective and carrying equipment for various parts of the French armed forces

  • Specialist backpack
  • Ballistic protection vest system
  • Plate carrier system

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