Carrying Systems - SnigelDesign AB

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Carrying Systems

Includes modular backpacks, pouches, belts, and equipment
vests designed for optimal weight distribution and quick access
to essential gear. Each component integrates seamlessly,
allowing users to customise their setup for different missions.


Over Three Decades of Expertise

With over 30 years of legacy, our company’s roots lie in crafting backpacks, specifically to meet the demands of service members. Over the decades, we’ve equipped military and law enforcement units with a range of load-carrying systems, from compact packs to large, rugged solutions. Our focus remains on delivering high-quality, modular designs that adapt seamlessly to the operator’s needs. Built for efficiency, our systems provide quick access to mission-critical gear while maintaining optimal mobility. 

We understand that every ounce matters, and our solutions enhance readiness without compromise.


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